3 thoughts on “How can I raise a pet dog?”

  1. Some people think that feeding dogs with the best meat can make it strong. In fact, feeding dogs in this way not only costs a lot, but also causes most dogs to diarrhea, forming indigestion, and difficult to absorb. In order to obtain energy, puppies need to break down meat protein; in fact, these can be obtained from carbohydrates. In addition, vitamins A, D, E are lacking in meat.

    If, all puppies that are feedd too much or feed only with meat (especially from 3 months to 12 months), the formation of bones must have problems with problems Because the proportion of phosphorus of calcium and meat. In other words, it is less calcium and more phosphorus. In addition, only meat can also cause puppy’s malnutrition and cartilage.

    If the dogs to feed some calcium powder

    While or not, whether the dog we raise or not, we need to start with some calcium powder from the puppies. Calcium powder is the same as calcium tablets, which is important to the growth of puppy bones. Lack of calcium, teeth and bones are abnormal. In particular, dogs with large bones, such as boxer dogs, Lawera, St. Bernard dogs, Dan Dog, Rhodesian lion hunting dogs, etc., puppies need calcium. Therefore, when we feed puppies every day, we must add an appropriate amount of calcium powder to the food. Puppy eats calcium powder easier to absorb. So how much calcium powder is suitable for? Usually growing puppies, every 2.2 kg (about 5 pounds), a teaspoon of calcium powder is required every day. In other words, the puppy increases weight, and the amount of calcium powder should be increased according to the proportion. After the puppy is 1 year old, it enters the growth period; from then on, it starts every 4.5 kg (about 10 pounds), and a teaspoon of calcium powder is required every day. Relatively speaking, the amount of portion has been halved. Due to the development period, the growth of bones and teeth has gradually stabilized, and there is no need for so much calcium powder.

    It a little bit of attention is that the puppy must have appropriate exercise every day in order to absorb calcium powder; otherwise, it is harmful to feed too much calcium powder.

    It puppies should not feed milk

    people think that drinking milk for puppies is good for puppy healthy growth, and often gives new puppies home to feed some milk , But I do n’t know that puppies should not drink milk. Most of them will diarrhea after drinking milk, and even suffer from gastrointestinal mucositis. Because the ingredients of dogs and milk are completely different. Dog milk contains high protein, high -fat and low lactose, while milk contains low protein, low fat and high lactose. The composition of the two is exactly the opposite. If milk is used as a puppy’s feed, and let it drink too much, there is no enough lactase in their stomach to digest excessive lactose, which will cause diarrhea. Drinking some milk after 6 months of age will generally do not have diarrhea.

    This puppies do not feed chicken bone

    This puppies like to eat chicken bones. The owner also thinks that the dog’s bones are righteous, but this view is just wrong. Regardless of the size of the chicken bone, the owner must not be fed easily, because the chicken bone is very hard, and the dog cannot digest. If the chicken bone is crushed, the fragments are edge, which will easily stab the puppy gastrointestinal mucosa and cause wounded gastroenteritis. At the beginning, white feces may be discharged, and then mucus in the feces, sometimes vomiting, and finally bleeding. At this time, you should quickly send the pet hospital for treatment.

    (1) Do not allow puppies to have the opportunity to swallow chicken bones, pork ribs or fish bones, because they will stay in the throat, and then crack. Pay the stomach wall and intestine.

    (2) Do not let puppies eat people’s leftovers, because the dog’s demand for nutrition is different from humans. It is difficult to obtain a complete and balanced nutrition. Nowadays, there are many dog ​​food brands on the market. This feed is prepared by scientific methods. It is delicious, comprehensive, easy to digest and absorb, and is very convenient to use. According to statistics, dog foods who have eaten dog food for a long time are more than one -third of the dogs who do not eat dog food. And the smell of appreciation, tone and excrement will be reduced a lot, which is a good gospel for dogs living in the apartment.

    (3) Do not give puppies snacks between each meal. If it obeys other training, you can give it a little snack to show encouragement.

    (4) Remember not to let puppies eat at the table, because this will develop a bad habit of begging. You can only feed specific foods at the specified time and place. The food is placed only in the puppies’ bowls. Do not feed them with other utensils. In addition, don’t forget to provide a sufficient amount of water and clean water.

  2. The feeding of puppies is important. Some types of dogs are not suitable for drinking milk. Many people think that puppies are not the difference between breast milk and milk. There are also dog foods that you want to eat for puppies, soak in water and soaked in water to soften to give him only when you are a child, you will take him more when you grow up. Nutrient balance hair color is not easy to retreat. Dogs that are salty can easily retreat when taking a bath. Do not let the dog diarrhea be careful to take care of this. This is some of my experience. I hope you can help you.

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