WOW has any occupation to summon pets, and what can be summoned, or is there anything particularly handsome?

5 thoughts on “WOW has any occupation to summon pets, and what can be summoned, or is there anything particularly handsome?”

  1. Hunter can summon any beast you want to have different skills with each baby
    This warlocks can summon the little ghost blue fat man demon dog demon. Every warlock is the same name. n Master summoned the water element ice method to last for a long time
    n n n can summon wolves, fire elements and earth elements duration, which is not permanent. If you do n’t attack punishment, you will help you attack the duration very short. It is considered a guardian
    It you want to play hunters to grab the rare soul beast, the most handsome, especially, especially the babies of the electric wolf ~ ~

  2. LR (Summoned beasts, you need to capture yourself, you can capture: wolf, turtle, spider, Chimera….)
    fs (summoning water element, need frost talent)
    ss魅魔,虚空,地狱火,恶魔卫士,末日守卫,需要学习技能,恶魔卫士需要恶魔天赋。)rnDK(食尸鬼,亡灵大军,需要学习技能,施法材料:尸尘)r NSM (Ghost Wolf, you need to learn skills.)

  3. LR, FS, SS, DK, MS, XD, SM
    LR is naturally pet
    fs. Blue Fat et al.
    dk is the Undead Army and Magic
    MS is the demon
    xd is the tree man
    sm is the element and fire element, as well as the ghost wolf, the SM ghost wolf is handsome

  4. Death Knight: Gongxian
    Druid (balance): Tree man
    Paladin (three -system talent): Ancient Guardian (seems to be called this name, pretty handsome)
    Babies of all kinds of animals, the most windy beast
    Warlocks: fat man, woman, demon, hell fire, dog
    Reador: Shadow Demon n Shaman: Ghost Wolf, Earth Elements, Fire Elements, Fire Elements
    Master: Water element
    The did not summon fights with soldiers
    The non -combat pets can have it regardless of any occupation. Essence Essence Essence

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