4 thoughts on “Why do some people say that it is not good to see cats having children”

  1. No, it is because there is a parasite on the body of the cat itself that seems to be called the original bug. This kind of worm is not good for pregnant women. Once pregnant women are in contact with cats during pregnancy ,使得bb出生后会有先天性问题,所以怀孕期间最好不要跟猫猫在一起,如果你是说梦见的话,那就真的是人们迷信,因为地域文化不同的原因,中国人认为猫Especially black cats are not related, but in Egypt, cats, especially black cats are called gods, they can drive away the devil. You can take a look at the scene in “Grave Robbery”. , Scared Mummy away. So the cat itself is not unknown, it is just the code that people add to them

  2. When cats have children, they will depend on the owner. If you contact the feces, there is no problem with the toxoplastyworm and it will not be so prone to infection.

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