1 thought on “How do girls enter the group of Aiyue chat”

  1. SummarynYue Liao APP is a mobile social software looking for strangers chat.nConsultation record · Answer on 2021-10-12nHow do girls enter the Qunyue chat app in Aiyue Chat is a mobile social software looking for strangers chat. Do you voluntarily? In Yue Liao, you can search the user through the Yue chat number, nickname, and mobile phone number. Yes, you have to add a group, go directly to the software, add a friend, and let the other party pull you, you can enter the group. If you want to find the other person’s mobile phone number, can I add it? I have a number, you can try it. If he just uses the software, I don’t know the software she uses. If you ask her, or if you can add it

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