1 thought on “002114 Luo Ping Zinc Electric Stock”

  1. 1. Luo Ping Zinc Electric Stock Bar is an interactive community for the investment experience of the stock investors of Yunnan Luoping Zinc Electric Co., Ltd. 002114 is the stock code of Yunnan Luoping Zinc Electric Co., Ltd., referred to as Luoping Zinc Electric.
    2, stock bar is also called stock (ie GUB), which can be understood as a general name for the stock exchange community. At the same time, there is also a website called the website name is a stock bar. He provides the essence of the exchanges of various domestic stocks, including stock recommendation, market analysis, individual stock exchange, stock lecture hall, stock entry, trading exchange, etc. It is very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very likely. A popular stock exchange. There are professional analysis and the evaluation of the stock market in the stock bar.
    This information:
    About Luoping Zinc Electric Co., Ltd.
    1. Yunnan Luoping Zinc Electric Co., Ltd. was registered and established on December 21, 2000 at the Yunnan Provincial Industry and Commerce Administration On February 15th, it was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and became a state -owned listed stock Co., Ltd., the stock name “Luoping Zinc Electric”, and the stock code: 002114.
    2, company assets: Company assets: mainly composed of three parts of mine, electricity, and metal. Including 6 production units: an annual output of 90,000 tons of lead -zinc ore and a daily treatment of 300 tons of ore, a richly lead zinc ore, the installed capacity of 60,000 kilowatts of Lazhuang Power Plant with an annual power generation, an annual output of 12,000 tons of overlap The ultra -fine zinc powder factories of fine zinc powder, a comprehensive utilization plant with an annual treatment of 120,000 tons containing zinc residue, a zinc with an annual producing zinc of 120,000 tons of electrolytic zinc, and a sulfuric acid plant with an annual output of 120,000 tons of sulfuric acid.
    3. The company involves business: It is currently the only listed company in the domestic zinc smelting industry that is integrated with mining, electricity, and smelting: including hydropower, lead -zinc and other non -ferrous metals, zinc smelting and its production and sales of extended products. Three investment companies: Xingyi Huangni River Power Generation Co., Ltd., Yunnan Luoping Laoming Power Generation Co., Ltd., Yongshan County Jinsha Mining Co., Ltd..
    4, permitting items: mining resources (non -coal mines) mining; mineral resource exploration; hazardous chemical production; geological exploration of metal and non -metal mineral resources; hydropower power.一般项目:常用有色金属冶炼;选矿;有色金属合金制造;有色金属合金销售;金属材料制造;有色金属压延加工;贵金属冶炼;矿山机械制造;金属链条及其他金属制品销售;货物进出口;锻件及Manufacturing of powder metallurgical products; sales of forging and powder metallurgical products; research and development of new materials technology.

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