1 thought on “What are the profit models of special asset investment?”

  1. 1. Discount income
    It’s loan in the bank knows that the biggest feature of bank loans now is that the mortgage is sufficient, and the mortgage is mostly houses, land, forest power, etc. 50%are mostly; and banks have high credit, special assets are relatively standardized, and the overall quality is better.
    For the disposal company, it is mainly debt or mortgage. For the creditor, I bought this creditor’s right to buy it. I went to negotiate with the debtor. If you can’t afford it, then you will still be 50 %, and 50 % will I give you the debt relationship. In this way, the debtor is less than half of the money and earns it; the cost of 20 % of the asset management company is bought back, returned to 50 %, and earned 30 %.
    For the mortgage, the above similar approach can be adopted, the mortgage is lifted after returning the money, or after the application of the court to seizes the public auction, the cost of minusing the acquisition of special assets is earned.
    2, asset value -added
    The value securities and fixed assets contained in some asset packages have a large value -added space. This part of the assets created a considerable number of assets in the market trend. Value -added income.
    The concept of investment in special assets can actually be simple and rude: a process of changing through quantity to qualitative changes, low buying and high sales, counter -cycle. When the economy declines, a large number of low -priced acquisitions, as the economy improves, some of the good assets start to value the value -added premium and turn it around.
    3. Integrated income
    This is the comprehensive use of asset reorganization, re -injection of capital, introducing third -party, debt discounts, debt update, debt replacement, creditor’s equity to equity, and two or more methods mentioned above. The combination constitutes a more complex mixed debt restructuring method. When necessary, integrate the assets and affiliated operating teams to improve the operating efficiency and value of its assets.
    The Zhongxin Group will help investors to clear all the creditor relations and legal relationships during the acquisition process during the disposal process, and will also analyze according to the actual situation of the project to give reasonable investment suggestions.

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